[線上直播] Guerbet APAC TV - Pancreatic imaging – principles of imaging and techniques of biopsy (110)
活動日期 2021/10/19 星期二 19:00 ~ 20:30
主辦單位 台灣古爾貝特股份有限公司
活動地點 線上直播
活動內容 The Pancreas: Principles of Imaging and Techniques of Biopsy
Moderator: Dr. Charbel Saade
Clinical Applications and Education Manager, Guerbet Asia Pacific (Hong Kong SAR)

7:00PM – 7:20PM
SESSION 1: Pancreatic imaging
Prof. Satoshi Goshima (JP)

7:20PM – 7:40PM
SESSION 2: CT-guided core biopsy for pancreatic lesion: coaxial and detour technique
Asso. Prof. Yi-Sheng Liu (TW)

7:40PM – 8:00PM
SESSION 3: Image based Characterization of Pancreatic Neoplasm
Dr. Salim Parvez (IN)

8:00PM – 8:30PM
Q&A section / All above

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* 2021/11/04 已重新登錄教育積分,如對積分登錄有詢問請洽主辦單位。
教育積分 放射線專科醫師教育積分 2
認定時數 1.5 小時
聯絡資訊 Patty Tsai
Tel: 02-25061160#16
Email: patty.tsai@guerbet.com