活動日期 2019/12/21 星期六 12:20 ~ 17:10
主辦單位 財團法人王文浩放射線醫學基金會
協辦單位 中華民國放射線醫學會腹部次專科委員會
活動地點 台北榮民總醫院致德樓第三會議室 (台北市北投區石牌路二段 322 號)
活動內容 2019年腹部影像學-台日友好研討會
Taiwan-Japan Friendship Abdominal Imaging Symposium

12:20~12:50 Registration (提供中餐)

12:50~13:00 Opening / Prof. Yi-Hong Chou

13:00~13:20 Abdominal Case Presentation
Dr. Ko-Ying Huang, Dr. Po-Ting Lin

13:20~14:00 Keynote Speech - Living Donor Liver Tx using IOUS
Prof. Masatoshi Makuuchi

14:00~14:30 Molecular profiling of pancreatic cancer; What radiologists need to know?
14:30~15:00 Imaging of lymphatic system of upper abdomen; Breaking a new ground?
Prof. Hiromu Mori

15:00~15:10 Coffee Break

15:10~15:40 Can AI help abdominal radiologists? A feasibility study with EOB MRI of HCC
Prof. Yu-Ting Kuo

15:40~16:10 Basic mechanism of blood flow imaging of the liver: based on
angiography-assisted CT correlated with pathophysiology
16:10~16:40 Differential diagnosis of hepatocellular nodules by Gd-EOB-DTPA
enhanced MRI based on molecular pathology
Prof. Osamu Matsui

16:40~17:00 Imaging appearance of biliary intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasm
Dr. Nai-Chi Chiu

17:00~17:10 Closing / Prof. Jen-I Hwang
教育積分 放射線專科醫師教育積分 8
認定時數 3.5 小時
聯絡資訊 邱小姐
Tel: 02-28757598