

[HKCR] 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of HKCR, 23-24 November 2024

Enjoy the Early Bird Registration Rate by 30 September 2024


AOSOR-HKCR Conjoint Session

Multidisciplinary Symposium: Neuro-oncology

Artificial Intelligence and Medico-legal Issues

Clinical Interventional Radiology Practice

Hepatobiliary Malignancies

This year the 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Radiologists will be held on 23-24 November 2024 (Saturday & Sunday), physically at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building. 

The programme will consist of special theme lectures held in concurrent sessions, scientific symposia, proffered paper presentations, electronic poster exhibition, online film quizzes and technical exhibitions

For more details, please visit the Congress website: https://www.hkcr-asm.org/



Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 
31 July 2024

Deadline for Submission of Manuscripts: 
31 August 2024

Abstract Results Notification: 
September 2024

Deadline for Presenting Author/Early Bird Registration: 
30 September 2024



Abstract Submission is now OPEN !!

Abstract Submissions are invited for Proffered Paper (Oral) and Poster Presentations.

Abstracts must be submitted via this website www.hkcr-asm.org on or before 31 July 2024

Submission by post, email or fax will not be accepted.  Late submissions will not be considered. 

Please read the Notes on Submission for details of submission guidelines.



  • The Young Presenter’s Award – Radiology (Sponsored by Dr. Lilian Leong)
  • The Young Presenter’s Award – Clinical Oncology (Sponsored by Dr. Lau Wai Hon)
  • The Young Presenter’s Award – Nuclear Medicine (Sponsored by HKSNMMI)
  • The Hong Kong Society of Diagnostic Radiologists Trust Fund Award (Sponsored by HKSDR Trust Fund)
  • Hong Kong Society of Clinical Oncology Award (Sponsored by HKSCO)
  • Hong Kong Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Award (Sponsored by HKSNMMI)
  • The Hong Kong Society of Interventional Radiology Award (Sponsored by HKSIR)
  • The Best Original Paper for Hong Kong Journal of Radiology (Sponsored by HKCR Education & Research Fund)

Details of eligibility for different awards are available at https://www.hkcr-asm.org/index/abstracts/awards.


Authors who wish to have their papers considered for The Best Original Paper for Hong Kong Journal of Radiology should also submit the full manuscript, in addition to the abstract, via the Event Management System before the submission deadline.  Otherwise, please submit your manuscript via email at hkcr.asm@seamlesshk.com.  Please refer to “Important Dates" for the details of submission deadline and "Instructions for Authors" for details of manuscript format. Participants who have submitted the abstract are strongly encouraged to submit the manuscript for this award.

Accepted abstracts will be printed in the Programme Book only when the Presenting Author has registered and paid the registration fee in full by 30 September 2024.

The Presenting Author has the responsibility to request all the authors of the abstract to confirm their authorship through the Event Management SystemName(s) of the author(s) will only be printed in the Programme Book if he / she has confirmed the authorship before the abstract submission deadline.



* Important note: The registration will not be processed or confirmed if payment is not forwarded to the  Event Secretariat. Registration Fees depend on the date your payment is received and confirmed by the Event Secretariat. The fees may be adjusted accordingly if the payment is not received by the relevant deadlines. The registration will be completed upon settling of the payment. An official receipt will be issued after clearance of the payment.

**Please refer to the Cancellation Policy here.


附加檔案: HKCR 32nd ASM_Poster